Blade Runner 5/5 (one of my top 10’s)

Posted: November 3, 2013 in Film Review
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This is a re watch and I have to say that I am learning more and more about how my perceptions of films can change with time. Now I remember watching this film many years ago and not liking it one bit. In fact I swapped my then dvd of it for something else with a friend. I then re watched it about roughly 2 years ago and to be honest my opinion hadn’t changed much. I do have to say though that when I watched it for the second time there was a lot of emotional turmoil in my life at that point. Now I decided to buy the “Final cut” of it for myself and give it another go. It completely blew me away so strongly that it is now in my top 10 films of all time. I can’t believe how amazing a film this is and how I missed it before.


Both visually stunning alongside with a fantastic soundtrack, Blade runner is set in a dystopian future in Los Angeles. We meet Rick Deckard who is a burnt out blade runner which means his job was to hunt down escaped replicants and “retire” (kill) them. Replicants are androids that are so human like it is hard to tell them apart.


Deckard is sent to track down 4 of them who have escaped and come down to earth. He visits the Tyrell corporation which is where these Nexus 6 models had been made. Whilst there he meets Rachael who Deckard discovers is a replicant with implanted memories who is unaware that she is not human. He begins to understand that these are no ordinary replicants and are so human its scary.
Theres so much going on in this movie. Theres the absolutely stunning visuals and soundtrack. A fantastic bleak and dark storyline. Fantastic performances from all the actors and a mesmerizing and heart breaking stream of deeper meanings. This is without a doubt my all time favourite Science fiction movie. It is an absolute masterpiece on every level.


I think this is a film that you can get something more from every time you watch it. I certainly will treasure this film for the rest of my life. I have to add that I think its important to acknowledge the Final cut as the definitive version of the film. I know its Ridley Scotts favourite version and as he is the director, who are we to argue?

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